Thursday, June 15, 2017

Year Later I get Confirmation on Homeschooling

 I am always so thankful when Pooker points out that benefits of her childhood and her style of education.  I remember giving her the lesson she describes.  I loved how inquisitive she was ( and still is.)  She was only 5 years old and asked me a question about why it gets dark at night if the sun isn't moving.  It was such an awesome question that it merited a real example.  As we used the flashlight (sun) and basketball (earth) and tennis ball (moon) I could see on her face that she was understanding what I was trying to teach.  She was "getting it" and was very thoughtful in her questions.  I had questions myself about homeschool a lot that first year, her kindergarten year.  This lesson happened and I realized that I wanted those moments with my daughter.  I LOVED seeing that "A-HA" moment when she understood the answer to her question.  I loved that she was more interested not less interested as we studied to find her answer.  I never knew it meant anything to her, but that lesson changed my resolve to be her teacher.  I find it very cool that 21 years later she still remembers it.

Pooker posted this on Facebook.  
"You can laugh at my picture. I am. This one is for mom though. 
I'm in the middle of my "professional leadership and development" class. Part of which requires a ton of reflection. We were asked to express in the "artistic drawing form" a memory from school after listening to a guided lecture. My first memory of official school was my solar system lecture. I remember going to the basement so we could use a flash light (because space is dark!) and mom using different size balls to represent planets and such. It was so cool to have that time with mom and you know what, I've loved the solar system my whole life probably because of that lesson.

Thank you mom  for homeschooling me. And thanks dad for working so hard so she can be at home.

Maybe we should have spent more time with art though?"

Thank you mom  for homeschooling me. And thanks dad for working so hard so she can be at home. 
Maybe we should have spent more time with art though?"

Ok so now I am off to work more art classes for the younger kids.  I love homeschooling as much today as I did that day.  Thank you, Pooker,  for the tears of joy!